Brewery arrangement
Enjoy bavarian beer culture – traditional hand-brewed, with ingredients of highest quality.
Out of love for traditional brewing craftsmanship, we have been moving with the times for almost 400 years. Our private brewery has been family-owned for just as long. With hand, heart, and expertise, we brew the unique Winkler Bräu beers right here on the estate.
TRADITIONSREICH KUPFERVisit our new TraditionsReich Kupfer presentation room and immerse yourself in the history of Winkler Bräu and the fine art of brewing. Take a look behind the scenes, smell the hop cones, and observe the yeast cells at work.
We want to ignite your passion for beer!
(Bookable from January to November, arrival on Friday)
- 2 overnight stays in the ****S Gutshof Hotel
- Delicious Upper Palatinate country breakfast
- 1 x seasonal 3-course “GenussMomente” menu
- 1 x 3-course “BierGenuss” menu with selected Winkler Bräu beers
- Use of the QuellenReich SPA
- Welcome bottle of Helfenberger Hell in your room
- Guided tour of the family-owned private brewery and TraditionsReich Kupfer on Saturday at 5:00 PM
2 nights
from 268.00 euros per person
Brewery arrangement
Enjoy bavarian beer culture – traditional hand-brewed, with ingredients of highest quality. …
Holidays and enjoyment at Winkler Bräu
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Your personal retreat